$150,000 per Month Facebook Ads Budget Optimized for Health Insurance Company Reduces CPL by 52%

Facebook Ads
Digital Marketing


Cenegenics, a pioneer in personalized health plans and preventative care, faced challenges in expanding its customer base and achieving cost-effective lead generation. With a substantial advertising budget of $150,000/month not yielding the expected ROI, Endpaths was commissioned to devise a digital marketing strategy that would enhance customer acquisition and optimize lead costs.


Our mission was to significantly increase Cenegenics' customer base while drastically reducing the cost per lead, thereby maximizing the efficiency of their considerable advertising expenditure.

Strategy and Execution

To address Cenegenics' objectives, we formulated a dynamic multi-channel marketing campaign, employing a mix of traditional and innovative tactics:

  • Social Media Advertising: Launched targeted Facebook and Instagram campaigns to reach health-conscious individuals across the US, underscoring Cenegenics' distinct services and advantages.
  • Google Ads: Initiated campaigns targeting keywords related to health insurance and preventative care, aiming to capture the attention of individuals actively seeking health optimization solutions.
  • Email Marketing: Rolled out engaging email campaigns to both existing and prospective customers, promoting Cenegenics' latest health plans and services.
  • Video Marketing: Developed compelling video content that highlighted the unique benefits of Cenegenics' offerings, deployed across various platforms to broaden reach and enhance engagement.

Critical to our approach was the integration of advanced tracking and analytics, enabling ongoing campaign optimization based on data-driven insights.


The tailored digital marketing strategy delivered exceptional outcomes for Cenegenics:

  • Customer Growth: Successfully attracted thousands of new customers, significantly exceeding initial targets.
  • Cost Per Lead Reduction: Achieved a remarkable 52% reduction in cost per lead, enhancing overall marketing efficiency.
  • ROAS Improvement: Witnessed a 195% increase in Return on Ad Spend, illustrating the campaigns' effectiveness and strategic ad spend allocation.
  • Email Engagement: Email open rates soared by 67%, indicating highly effective email content and targeting.
  • Video Marketing Success: Video campaigns amassed millions of views, substantially increasing brand awareness and engagement.


Through a strategic overhaul of Cenegenics' digital marketing efforts, we not only met but surpassed our objectives, proving the power of a well-rounded, multi-channel approach. By leveraging targeted advertising, engaging content, and sophisticated analytics, we transformed Cenegenics' marketing challenges into a success story of customer growth and lead generation efficiency. This case study exemplifies Endpaths' expertise in crafting digital marketing strategies that deliver tangible results, driving business growth and optimizing ad spend for clients in the competitive health sector.