Home Restoration Franchise Website Redesign Boosts Conversion Rate by 4X

Web Design
Digital Marketing


Spaulding Decon, a leader in home restoration and biohazard/crime scene cleaning services, faced a challenge: their extensive online presence was not translating into desired conversion rates and lead generation. With a sprawling website comprising over 3,000 pages and 44 franchise mini-sites, the task at hand was not just a redesign but a comprehensive digital transformation aimed at streamlining user experience and boosting organic traffic.


The primary objective was to overhaul Spaulding Decon's digital footprint, enhancing the website's usability and conversion potential. The goal was to elevate the website conversion rate significantly and to amplify lead generation through strategic design and content optimization.

Strategy and Execution

Our approach encompassed several key tactics to revitalize Spaulding Decon's website and digital marketing efforts:

  • Website Redesign: Embarked on an extensive redesign project to simplify navigation, streamline content, and ensure that users could easily access information and contact options.
  • Advanced Tracking and Analytics: Implemented robust tracking measures to gather insights on user behavior, page performance, and conversion pathways, enabling data-driven optimizations.
  • Enhanced Accessibility: Integrated local and 24/7 support contact numbers prominently on the site to cater to immediate user inquiries, aiming to boost direct inquiries and lead generation.
  • Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): Conducted A/B testing on key landing pages and calls-to-action (CTAs), refining elements to best meet user needs and encourage conversion actions.


The comprehensive redesign and optimization strategy led to remarkable outcomes:

  • Conversion Rate Lift: The website's average conversion rate soared from 1.01% to 5.42%, marking a fivefold increase.
  • Conversion Count Increase: Noted a 319% surge in conversion count alongside a 157% improvement in conversion rate, indicating a higher efficiency in converting visitors to leads.
  • Phone Inquiry Growth: The implementation of easily accessible contact options resulted in a 260% increase in phone calls from the website, demonstrating enhanced user engagement and lead capture.
  • User Experience Improvements: The revamped site structure and content approach led to greater user engagement, as evidenced by increased time spent on the site and positive user feedback.


The digital transformation journey for Spaulding Decon not only revamped its website but also redefined its approach to online customer engagement and lead generation. Through meticulous planning, execution, and ongoing optimization, we significantly elevated the company's digital marketing performance. This case study exemplifies Endpaths' expertise in leveraging web design and optimization strategies to achieve tangible business objectives, setting a new benchmark for conversion rate success in the service industry.